Autodesk memento model extrusion
Autodesk memento model extrusion

autodesk memento model extrusion

The range of this slider is from 1.0 to 2, with a default of 1.3. The growth value is a constraint which governs the maximum rate which the element layers can grow from one element to the next. When Automatic is enabled, the amount of acceptable growth also determines the number of layers.

autodesk memento model extrusion

The Growth slider controls the degree of layer stretching through the part. When the mesh is changed, it is necessary to start the analysis back at the beginning.Īssuming the geometric constraints are met, extrusion meshes can be used on moving objects and for solids in rotating regions (such as fan blades), but not the rotating region itself. It is not possible to change the mesh in a model containing extruded regions and continue from a saved analysis. Autodesk Simulation CFD detects and deals with this situation automatically. This is called “non-conformal” meshing, and is a condition in which the nodes in the extruded section do not line up automatically with the surrounding mesh. Extrusion meshing greatly reduces the element count in high aspect-ratio parts, and improves flow accuracy in models dominated by form drag, such as pipe flow.Įxtruded meshes are structured meshes, but can contact or even be immersed in regions meshed with unstructured tetrahedrals. Extrusion meshing stretches triangular faces into multiple layers of wedge (prism) elements through the length of three dimensional parts with a uniform cross section.

Autodesk memento model extrusion